We are aware that our students use a variety of methods to travel to school. The following is some information about those different methods.
Please also take time to read the Ivanhoe Travel Code here.
Important Notice – Home to School Transport Entitlement Free secondary school transport is only provided to the ‘nearest’ or ‘nearest Leicestershire’ school so free transport is no longer provided to the admissions catchment area school*. Feeder school arrangements also have no bearing on entitlement to school transport.
Passenger Travel Solutions (part of Roberts Travel Group) will be providing all the school bus transport to Ashby School and Ivanhoe School for the 2024-25 academic year.
This includes transport for all the students funded by Leicestershire County Council along with those who buy places on the bus services.
To apply for your child’s bus please visit the following website:
Ashby School https://www.passengertravelsolutions.co.uk/ashby-school-1
Ivanhoe School https://www.passengertravelsolutions.co.uk/ivanhoe-college-1
(All students, free and fare paying, must complete an application)
If you have any questions or enquiries regarding the school bus services, please email schools@passengertravelsolutions.co.uk or visit the website at https://www.passengertravelsolutions.co.uk/
Travelling to school by bus
Students should fill the rear seats of the vehicle first and alight from the front where appropriate. Students should remain seated and face forward at all times.
Departure from school by bus
At the end of the school day, students who catch the bus will remain in classrooms until called to assemble by the bike sheds, and prepare for loading, wearing their face masks.
Students should fill the rear seats of the vehicle first and alight from the front where appropriate. Students should remain seated and face forward at all times.
Seat belts
All single decker buses are obliged to provide seat belts, but the responsibility for wearing these lies with the students. Drivers cannot force a child to wear a seat belt and it is now illegal for students to travel without wearing one. Parents can be “spot” fined £60 if their child is seen not belted up.
Bus passes
Students should not expect to travel if they do not have a valid bus pass. Anyone who has lost or forgotten their pass should go to Reception at the beginning of morning break to collect a temporary one, at a cost of £1. Students should not interrupt lessons because they have lost/forgotten passes, nor should they leave it to the end of the school day. All drivers are told to check passes every day.
Missed buses
If a student misses a bus at the end of the day, then he/she must inform one of the members of staff on duty. They will then be sent back into school to phone home. They are told that under no circumstances must they set off walking without telling someone at school. If a bus is missed in the morning, or a bus does not arrive because of breakdown,
families need to make alternative arrangements, or at least need to be sure that children are able to let parents know if they have already gone to work. This rarely happens, but contingency plans need to be made just in case!
Lost property
If items are left on a school bus, then the driver will often have the wallet/jumper/coat on the bus in the afternoon or the following morning. A student who has lost something on the bus must remember to ask the driver as they get on if the item has been found.
Behaviour on buses
Students do occasionally lose the right to travel on school transport because of their bad behaviour. The following are considered to be unacceptable:
All instances of bad behaviour that we hear about are dealt with promptly, and a warning and/or suitable punishment given. This may include break time detentions, letters home, official detentions, and, in the worst cases, temporary or
permanent bans from school transport. If a student is banned then parents/guardians become responsible for the transporting of their child to and from school; this can be both costly and very inconvenient.
Problems with school transport.
Any problems reported to us are dealt with. Time-keeping problems are reported to County Hall, as they are the ‘hirers and firers’ with bus contracts. Problems with students, or behaviour problems are dealt with in school, although County Hall does get involved in serious cases of bullying or vandalism. Please inform us of any problems.
We recognise the positive benefits of students cycling/scootering to and from school, in terms of improving health through physical activity, promoting independence and reducing the environmental impact of the journey to school. There is a large, secure bicycle park near to reception where students can lock their bicycles/scooters and safely leave them for the day. Students must dismount as soon as they enter the school site and staff will direct them to our bike sheds from there.
Students are expected to ride sensibly and safely at all times. Cycles/Scooters should not be ridden in the school car park due to danger from other vehicles. Students should not interfere with any cycles/scooters, or cycling/scooting equipment belonging to other students.
We encourage students who are able to walk to school to do so, for environmental, health and social benefits. Please remind your child to stay safe on the walk to school by following road safety rules, using crossings where possible. Ensure that students use a regular route to and from school, encourage them to walk with friends.
You can find more general information about walking to school here. http://www.livingstreets.org.uk/
No cars are to enter the school site for drop offs unless permission has been sought from school.
We suggest that you ask your child to meet you somewhere else nearby, or consider walking to and from school or using the bus service.
Tel: 01530 412756
Email: office@ivanhoe.co.uk
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