Our aim in PSHRE (personal, social, health and relationships education) is to help our students become pro-social, independent, proactive and responsible citizens. We aim to support our students in developing a skill-set for life, centred on a range of topics and activities, enabling them to succeed in life in modern day Britain.
We value and promote especially collaborative learning, teamwork, participation, problem solving and resilience. We aim to inspire students to develop a sense of responsibility and a pro-social approach to everyday life - whether in or outside of school. At the core of what we do is an understanding of the importance of emotional and social awareness and resilience, and as such we aim for all students to develop a strong sense of self-awareness.
We also cover Religious Education under the umbrella and look at a range of religions, belief systems, cultures and customs throughout a students journey through Ivanhoe.
Through our curriculum we provide our students with Personal Social Health and Relationships Education (PSHRE) and Religious Education (RE). We also have a unit in each year group which focuses on Careers Education. Our full list of lessons per topic can be found in these documents.
P.S.H.R.E. |
R.E. |
Topic 1 - Managing Risks In this topic students explore some vital skills such as basic first aid and how to call for help in an emergency. We also look at how to keep safe whilst out in public and in the workplace to prepare students for their time after Ivanhoe. We also look at various different issues that we know are important to understand fully such as harassment and peer pressure |
Topic 1 - Religion and Suffering In this topic students explore how world religions look at suffering and how these different points of view compare and contrast with one another. We also consider what is meant by 'ethics' and what ethical issues are, how to discuss these sensitively and how these are handled at individual and societal level. |
Topic 2 - Sex and Relationships In this topic we explore what is meant by relationships, what the different types of relationship are, how to recognise signs that a relationship may not be healthy and what to do about this. We also ensure that students get access to comprehensive and unbiased information with regard to contraception and ensure students are aware of the different options available for this and what the pros and cons of each are. We also look in to what is meant by consent and what some of the issues are around this which affect individuals and society as a whole. |
Topic 2 - Religion Peace and Conflict In this topic we explore how religions, peace and conflict are linked. We look at some examples where these three issues have all collided and we debate whether or not religion is the cause of peace, conflict or both. We also look at some of the issues in the world today that have arisen from conflict between religious groups and how we might play our part to manage this. For example, we may explore issues around conflict in other parts of the world and how that could affect refugees in Britain. |
P.S.H.R.E | R.E. |
Topic 1 - Preparing for Next Steps In this topic students are focussed on preparing for their next steps after they leave Ivanhoe. We will ensure that all students complete a Careers Action Plan, get advice and appropriate support with completing post-16 applications, get help with mock interviews and are given the opportunity to complete their post-16 applications in school with support. We also ensure that students are aware of basics laws around employment to give them the best start for the next steps they will take. |
Topic 1 - Life Cycles and Religions In this topic we explore what the major religions teach about life and death. We look at a range of different belief systems such as Christianity and Islam. We also look at what is meant by reincarnation and explore this in different contexts. |
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