GCSE Design and Technology Specification (1DT0) (pearson.com)
The GCSE in Design and Technology enables students to understand and apply iterative design processes through which they explore, create and evaluate a range of outcomes. The qualification enables students to use creativity and imagination to design and make prototypes (together with evidence of modelling to develop and prove product concept and function) that solve real and relevant problems, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. It gives students opportunities to apply knowledge from other disciplines, including mathematics, science, art and design, computing and the humanities
The core element of the course is the same across all Design Technology GCSEs and will include elements such as:
This is a Design Technology course with a specialism in Timbers. The specification requires students to develop their ability to make timber products.
Over the two years, students will develop their practical and theory knowledge to successfully manufacture timber products and to acquire knowledge of a range of different materials.
Non Exam Assessment (50%)
There are 4 parts to this assessment:
· Investigate
· Design
· Make
· Evaluate.
Exam (50%) - 1 hour 45 minutes
Section 1: Core Subject
Section 2: Student Choice.
Students can study the A level Product Design course at Ashby School providing they meet the Sixth Form entry requirements. There are also many level 2/3 college courses or apprenticeships available.
Students can then go on to study a wide variety of design based degree courses at university.
Students could combine subjects to aim for a career in engineering, sports product design and architecture.
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Email: office@ivanhoe.co.uk
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