This Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE has been designed to cover a range of different topics which ensure students have a broad and deep understanding of all areas of food. Students will study:
Year 10
Practical lessons - learning in depth food preparation skills including the application of molecular gastronomy. Students will also apply nutritional knowledge to dishes produced and explore the different types of food chemistry and functions. This prepares students for their non-exam assessment (NEA) in Food Science and their NEA in Food Preparation commencing in year 11.
Theory lessons incorporate 5 core topics above. ICT will assist students develop their knowledge allowing them to apply this during practical food classes.
Homework - Students will research dishes to produce each week around a given theme, encompassing knowledge learnt in their nutrition and food chemistry lessons.
Year 11
The focus of Year 11 is to complete two pieces of NEA and revisit the knowledge learnt in Year 10 in order to revise for a written examination.
NEA Food Science investigation 15% - applying food science and chemistry knowledge to experiments and writing up the findings in a 1500—2000 word report/essay with photographs.
NEA Food Preparation 35% - produce a three- course meal within a 3-hour timed assessment showing as many food preparation skills as possible around a set brief. Write up and evaluate the findings within a 20-hour written report.
Revision programme for the end of course exam 50%.
In Year 11 students will complete 2 Non Examination Assessments (NEA):
Task 1: investigation (approx.10 hours) 15% of GCSE
Task 2: Food preparation Assessment (approx.20 hours including a 3 hour practical assessment) 35% of GCSE
Written examination:
1 hour 45 minute exam, 50% of GCSE
Students can study the WJEC Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition at Ashby School providing they meet Sixth Form entry requirements.
Students can study the Edexcel Level 3 Extended Hospitality Diploma at college. Students can then go on to study a wide variety of food-based degree courses at university in hospitality, food and nutrition, and food technology.
They can embark on careers in the catering and food industry.
Tel: 01530 412756
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