We have a dedicated student support team in school who work in partnership with staff, students, parents, carers and outside agencies to ensure good behaviour for learning is maintained. The team are highly experienced in dealing with a range of behavioural and emotional difficulties and can offer a range of strategies to removes barriers to learning and ensure that students are successful both in the classroom and in life. We are proud of our counselling facilities and are able to provide both an external and an in-house service for our students.
Click here for our most up to date pastoral team contacts.
As one parent who replied to Ofsted’s online questionnaire said, ‘The care shown for pupils is brilliant. This is a school which is setting my child up well academically, socially and emotionally.’
All pupils we spoke to say that they feel safe in school. They know which staff to approach if they have an issue or a concern and they are confident that they will be helped to resolve it. Pupils say that if they have any concerns about bullying, matters are resolved quickly and successfully.
Tel: 01530 412756
Email: office@ivanhoe.co.uk
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