We value the ability and success of all students. We are all dedicated to providing the best possible environment for learning.
We set high standards at Ivanhoe to ensure students receive a positive educational experience and to enrich the life of each and every child, including children with SEND. At the heart of how we educate our students is Quality First Teaching, which involves careful planning of lessons to support engagement and remove barriers to learning.
For all children with SEND;support and advice is available from the school SENDCO, Learning mentors,and the Care and Guidance Team. The school seeks advice and guidance from other professionals where appropriate and involves them in the planning and delivery of support for pupils with SEND.
To support students with SEND, and in particular those students with an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan)
We support pupils with SEND through various means:
Parents of students with SEND can access our Parent Padlet for a full range of support documents. (click to open)
Tel: 01530 412756
Email: office@ivanhoe.co.uk
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