When is the library open for students to borrow books?
The Library is open before school 8.30 - 8.40
Break and lunch. It is also open after school until 3.45
What is the process for students to borrow books?
Students can borrow up to 2 books at a time. They will not be allowed to borrow any more than this.
Students use their library card to take books out, but they should not worry if they have not got it with them as the system allows the Librarian to look them up by their surname.
How are books selected for the library? How often are they updated etc?
The books are selected using various methods. Students can recommend titles and authors and we will endeavour to obtain them if suitable.
We subscribe to Leicestershire Library Service for Education which provide our library with approximately 2000 books. This is done through their recommendations and the Librarian selecting books. We also have various reps that come in and recommend books to us.
Books are updated on a regular basis and we are always obtaining new stock. The library currently holds 8,500 books.
What else is the library used for?
The Library can also be used for students who wish do their homework. We have 7 pc’s available that allow students to access the various programmes they need. We also have printing facilities.
Students are also encouraged to come in and read.
We also hold a Year 7 library club, that starts after October Half Term, once the students have settled into the school.
How are students involved in the running of the library?
Students are able to get involved in the library by signing up to be student librarians. This position is given to Year 9’s and they have responsibility for the counter and the library shop as well as helping to select some of the books we stock. However we do open it up to year 7’s after Easter so that they can shadow a librarian to see if they are interested. Year 8’s that took up this opportunity when they were in Year 7 become Assistant librarians , their roles involve shelving, keeping the library tidy, helping out with the computers/printers and covering the desk if required.
Students are also encouraged to help run the book fair that we hold just before Christmas. Taking responsibility for the displays, selling of the books and cash management.
Further information about the Library.
The library also has a shop where students can purchase stationary items that they may require if they have misplaced any of their school equipment. The shop is NOT operated through Wisepay or the cashless dinner card. So students would need to bring in some money. We do not run the shop to gain a profit it is there to meet the needs of the student.
We try to give students a good range of books to read. These range from Fiction, Non fiction, Graphic novels and quick reads. The content of some of the books available can vary and some of these have been marked for certain year groups only.
Tel: 01530 412756
Email: office@ivanhoe.co.uk
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