On Tuesday 12th March Ivanhoe School held it’s 7th STEAM Show event. This annual event, in a competition format, gives students across all year groups and working at all abilities to showcase a project completely of their choosing. Working either in a small team or on their own students work in their own time to research, investigate, experiment, or create, a complete project to be presented to their peers, local businesses and the judges. A record 69 students took part in the event which is more than we hoped for - let’s see if we can make it even bigger next year!
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. Unlike many schools that focus only on STEM, the inclusion of arts and design in our competition adds an additional component, which our business links tell us is an important aspect of the creativity they look for in the changing employment market.
On the day students spent the morning setting up their stalls and completing the finishing touches to their displays, as well as taking a chance to practice their presentations. After break all of Year 7 had the opportunity to visit the show and interact with the competitors; taking part in an online quiz, asking questions about the projects and even having a go at some of the interactive exhibits.
The evening celebration event is what makes the Ivanhoe STEAM Show really special. Students have the amazing chance to present and converse with representatives from a range of businesses, local dignitaries such as the Ashby Mayor, Avril Wilson, alongside members of the district and town council about their projects. In addition there is an open invitation to families and school staff to share in the success of the students hard work.
This year we have been very fortunate that a number of businesses have wanted to further involve themselves with the show by offering sponsorship, allowing us to offer fantastic prizes to the students. A huge thank you to Amazon who were our overall show sponsors. Their extreme generosity at a time when schools are really struggling for money has really helped us make this year’s show a success. The lucky winners of the awards will all be treated to a visit to Rolls Royce head office in Derby in June,( in addition to their amazon vouchers and trophies) as part of Rolls Royce’s longstanding partnership of the event.
Feedback from the visitors has been overwhelming with heaps of praise for the students and amazement at the huge range of projects. Students clearly demonstrated their passions and as a school we couldn't be more proud of the students whose amazing projects showcased their hardworking attitudes, ingenuity and oracy skills.
Award Winners
Tel: 01530 412756
Email: office@ivanhoe.co.uk
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