Wednesday 15th May - Paper 1 (Computer Systems)
Tuesday 21st May - Paper 2 (Computational thinking, algorithms and programming)
Here is the revision check list. All topics are on our Moodle course, each with relevant links to presentations and other content you can use to support your revision.
On our Moodle course, you will find specific Isaac Computer Science, BBC Bitesize & Craig n Dave links for each topic so you can look at these alongside the teacher presentation and resources.
If you have lost your revision book speak to Mr Thornewill to purchase a replacement.
Seneca - Learn 2x Faster ( - Use your Ivanhoe Account to log in.
GCSE (J277): OCR Specification Order - Craig n Dave (YouTube)
GCSE topics — Isaac Computer Science - Use the account you created in lesson.
GCSE Computer Science - OCR - BBC Bitesize - I would encourage you to sign up and save this along with any other subjects (There is also an App for this).
Revise - GCSE Computer Science Revision • A podcast on Spotify - Newer resource: a series of 3-5 minute videos.
Exam Technique - Craig n Dave (YouTube) - An playlist which has useful guidance on exam technique (useful for most other subjects too!)
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