We have a Homework Vision which explains why we believe homework is important for all students:
Provides rich and exciting learning opportunities
Prepares them to be active, independent, successful and enthusiastic lifelong learners.
Prepares them for life as responsible citizens in a diverse, modern society.
Provides students with opportunities to enrich their school-based learning
Promotes learning in the home which will complement learning at school, encouraging beneficial and effective partnerships between home and school
Consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding through regular practice in aspects of class work
Develops students' independence and interests
Encourages students in the management of their own time.
To read the full policy click here
What will your child be expected to do?
As part of our push to improve literacy and encourage reading students will need to read for 20 minutes every day as part of their homework. They will need to keep a record of the book they are reading and the pages they have read during the week in their planner.
How can you help? Please ensure your child reads for at least 20 minutes in the evening and talk to them about what they are reading, this will encourage better comprehension of the text.
To improve numeracy students will need to complete 20 minutes maths work every day as part of their homework. Elements of this will be assessed as normal by Maths staff other activities will include practise based and retrieval practise activities,
How can you help? Please ensure your child is completing the Maths tasks they have been set for 20 minutes each week night.
Students will be set work from subjects as part of their homework. Students will need to record what homework they must do for each subject in your planner.. This element of the homework will be checked and assessed in their subject lessons.
How can you help? Ask them about what they have to do, and help them plan their time (There is a blank homework timetable in in the planner). Check they are using their planner to record what needs doing and checking it off when completed. A personal homework timetable will also help organise time for revising their “Knowledge Organisers”
All subjects have Knowledge Organisers associated with the work your child is currently doing and they are expected to learn what is on them. A Knowledge Organiser contains the essential learning for a particular topic and memorizing the information them will help greatly your child’s chances of successfully completing assessments.
If subject homework has not been specifically set, your child could spend time learning their knowledge organisers to support their learning.
How can you help? Signing the planner every week and regularly checking your child’s planner is one of the best ways you can support their homework. Even in this age of high technology the planner is an essential tool in helping your child to be well prepared and ready for learning. It encourages good learning habits and is a great vehicle for Home – School communication.
Tel: 01530 412756
Email: office@ivanhoe.co.uk
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